The Digital Twin Center for Open Research and Engineering (DT-CORE) project is supported by the Grundfos Foundation with a personal grant to Professor Peter Gorm Larsen as the principle investigator at 15MDKK. Lukas Esterle and Claudio Gomes are co-Pis for this project and they are both heavily involved in this research project.
The project started 2025 and it will last for 5 years. This basic research project is conducted purely by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Aarhus University. As a continuation of the DiT4CPS (Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical systems), the goal of DT-CORE is to establish Aarhus as the place to visit and collaborate with if one is interested in exploring the limits of digital twins in an open research perspective. Thus, funding has also been set aside to support researchers who lack their own funding for such a visit.
The research is structured in four areas of research also identified in the book about Engineering of Digital Twins:
The target is to establish a series of “sister”-projects that will enhance the research conducted inside DT-CORE also outside the area of Cyber-Physical Systems that originally was the target for the research that has been carried out already. Many of the “sister”-projects will also be carried out in direct collaboration with industrial partners, creating direct impact of the research results achieved in the DT-CORE project on the society at large.