Aarhus University Seal

Associated projects

The currently running/accepted projects that are associated with the AU Centre for Digital Twins are (each of them are also described in more detail with their own web pages):  

  • DT-CORE (2025-2029)As a continuation of the DiT4CPS (Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical systems), the goal of DT-CORE is to establish Aarhus as the place to visit and collaborate with if one is interested in exploring the limits of digital twins in an open research perspective. Thus, funding has also been set aside to support researchers who lack their own funding for such a visit.
  • MADE React (2025-2028)REACT will focus on manufacturing challenges inside the manufacturing ecosystem divided into Factory-, Cell and Process level.
  • DTaas- Security (2025-2028)This research project focusses on extending an existing digital twin platform called DTaaS (Digital Twin as a Platform) with better support for secure collaboration between different legal entities.
  • DT-Lab Skjern (2021-)
  • PROBONO (2022-2026):  PROBONO will provide strong examples of how Green Building Neighborhoods technological and social innovations can be applied, with a vision focused on building infrastructure and a renewed focus on people and sustainability, taking full advantage of digitalization and smart technologies for the benefit of society.
  • CD EDIH ()
  • Enro-CC2 ()
  • CP-SENS (2023-2026):  CP-SENS develops a new generation of Digital-Twin-friendly sensing technology that enables mechanical and civil engineers to craft Digital Twins quickly and efficiently with little simulation engineering competencies.
  • DIGIT-BENCH (2023-2025): DIGIT-BENCH aims to develop a Digital Twin framework for large-scale test benches serving in the wind industry. 
  • RoboSAPIENS (2024-2026): RoboSAPIENS will focus on autonomous robotic software adaptations and will lay the foundations for ensuring that such software adaptations are carried out in an intrinsically safe, trustworthy and efficient manner, thereby reconciling open-ended self-adaptation with safety by design.
  • CiTwin ():
  • ACCURATE (2024-2026): The ACCURATE project aims to boost the competitiveness of European manufacturing companies and value chains by improving their sustainability, performance stability, resilience, and ability to manage unforeseen events.